Disciplinary Record
Jean Etienne Attala
Barrister Status: Disbarred Called: May 1994 Inn: Gray's Inn Hearing type: Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person) Tribunal panel members: Ms Belinda Knight ...
Ms Belinda Knight
Dr Manju Bhavnani
Mr Mark West
His Honour Judge Paul Anthony Lawton
Jean Attala, between 20 September 2011 and 9 August 2013, whilst acting as a senior executive for a firm of solicitors and during the conduct of a claim being made on behalf of clients of that firm (?the claim?), failed to act in those clients? best interests and acted dishonestly by:
a) failing to comply with orders and correspondence from the Employment Tribunal (ET?) in respect of the claim, resulting in the proceedings being struck out (on 30 November 2011);
b) deliberately misleading the ET, prior to the proceedings being struck out, by indicating that he was taking instructions from his clients and/or gathering evidence in respect of quantum when he was not taking those steps;
c) deliberately misleading the clients and officials of the union, which was funding the claim, by telling them:
(1) that the proceedings were continuing,
(2) that he was trying to arrange and was expecting to receive a hearing date shortly
(3) that the Tribunal was about to rule upon a legal interpretation point after a hearing when such information was false because the proceedings had been struck out;
d) deliberately misleading his employers, when an enquiry was made by some of the clients in July 2013, by falsely telling his employers:
(1) that the proceedings had been withdrawn and then saying
(2) that the claim had been successfully reviewed but had then been withdrawn by the clients.
Jean Attala, between 8 September 2014 and 19 March 2015, failed to inform the Bar Standards Board that you were subject to disciplinary action by another approved regulator, namely the Solicitors Regulation Authority
Bar Standards Board (BSB) records last published to this site at 6:38am on 08 February 2025. Originally published on the Bar Standards Board (BSB) website.