Disciplinary Record
Georgie Dibbo
View full barrister record on The Barristers' Register View record Barrister Status: Pupil Called: Jul 2023 Inn: Middle Temple Hearing type: Discip...
View full barrister record on The Barristers' Register
In November 2023, Georgie Dibbo, a First-Six pupil barrister, behaved in a way likely to diminish the trust and confidence that the public places in her and/or the profession, and/or behaved in a way which could reasonably be seen by the public to undermine her integrity, when, whilst preparing a skeleton argument based on one of the past cases of her pupil supervisor, she:
a. accessed the file for that past case in her pupil supervisor’s office and read confidential material (including her pupil supervisor’s actual skeleton argument for that case) without permission to do so;
b. submitted a piece of work (namely a skeleton argument) for assessment, passing it off as exclusively her own, when it had been influenced by her pupil supervisor’s actual skeleton argument;
c. did not, after the fact and by her own volition, promptly inform her pupil supervisor that she had seen and been influenced by his skeleton argument.
Between 23 November 2023 and 8 December 2023, Georgie Dibbo, a First-Six pupil barrister, behaved in a way likely to diminish the trust and confidence that the public places in her and/or the profession, and/or behaved in a way which could reasonably be seen by the public to undermine her honesty and integrity, when she repeatedly denied and/or misrepresented to her Chambers the way in and extent to which she had read and been influenced by her pupil supervisor’s actual skeleton argument in completing her own skeleton argument and submitting it for assessment.
On 29 November 2023, Georgie Dibbo, a First-Six pupil barrister, behaved in a way likely to diminish the trust and confidence that the public places in her and/or the profession, and/or failed to be open and co-operative with her regulator, and/or behaved in a way which could reasonably be seen by the public to undermine her honesty and integrity, when she misrepresented to the BSB in her self-report the way in and extent to which she had read and been influenced by her pupil supervisor’s skeleton argument in completing her own and submitting it for assessment.
Bar Standards Board (BSB) records last published to this site at 6:38am on 16 February 2025. Originally published on the Bar Standards Board (BSB) website.